Página com ensaios e livros digitais (ebooks) sobre o Holocausto, fascismo, nazismo, neonazismo (neofascismo, ultranacionalismo) e assuntos correlatos ao nazifascismo, eugenia etc. Os arquivos se encontram em formato PDF ou HTML (página).
01. EBOOK - Neonazismo, Negacionismo e Extremismo Político [HTML]
Coordenadores: Luis Milman & Paulo Fagundes Vizentini
Autor: Enrique Luz
Fonte: site dominiopublico(governo federal)
03. EBOOK - AUSCHWITZ: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers [HTML]
Autor: Jean-Claude Pressac
04. EBOOK - The Holocaust in Romania: The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies [HTML]
Autor: Radu Ioanid
05. EBOOK - David Irving, Holocaust Denial and Neo-Nazism [HTML]
06. EBOOK - Os Judeus na Rússia e a Formação do Anti-semitismo Moderno [HTML]
Texto de: Joke Kniesmeyer e Daniel Cil Brecher
07. EBOOK - História da Shoah(em galego) [PDF]
Autor: Georges Bensoussan
Tradução do francês pro galego: Xoán Garrido Vilariño
08. EBOOK - The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich; A History of Nazi Germany [JPG/HTML]
Novo link [HTML] ; [PDF] [PDF 2]
Livro: Ascensão e Queda do III Reich (em inglês, completo)
Autor: William Shirer
09. EBOOK - French children of the Holocaust: a memorial [HTML]
Autor: Serge Klarsfeld
10. EBOOK - The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania [HTML]
Autor: Serge Klarsfeld
11. EBOOK - L’extermination des Juifs de Pologne [PDF]
Brochure du participant
Editor: Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah
Ecole Internationale pour l’ Etude de la Shoah
12. EBOOK - Shoah [PDF]
64 páginas, Licence, em francês
13. EBOOK - Le camp de concentration de Mauthausen [PDF]
86 páginas, em francês
14. EBOOK - Nazi Conspiracy & Aggression - Volume I [HTML]
Office of United States - Chief of Counsel For Prosecution of Axis Criminality
United States Government Printing Office - Washington * 1946
15. DOCUMENTOS - A Teacher's Guide To The Holocaust (Documentos) [HTML]
Fontes primárias e documentação do extermínio nazi
16. DOCUMENTOS - Nazi Propaganda: 1933-1945 [HTML]
Discursos e escritos dos líderes nazistas, antissemitismo,
propaganda de guerra, material visual, etc
17. DOCUMENTOS - Documents of the Holocaust [HTML]
Alemanha e Áustria(parte 1), Polônia(parte 2) e URSS(parte 3)
Editor: Yad Vashem
18. EBOOK - The Holocaust in the Soviet Union (USHMM) [PDF]
Symposium Presentations, 154 páginas, vários autores
19. EBOOK - Ghettos 1939–1945 (USHMM) [PDF]
New Research and Perspectives on Definition, Daily Life, and Survival
Symposium Presentations, 175 páginas, vários autores
21. EBOOK - Historia y memoria después de Auschwitz [PDF]
Autor: Dominick LaCapra
22. EBOOK - Guía de Lectura: una retrospectiva del Holocausto [PDF]
Autores: Javier Quevedo Arcos; Javier Fernández Aparicio
23. EBOOK - Les yeux du témoin et le regard du borgne [HTML]
L’Histoire face au révisionnisme
Autor: Maxime Steinberg
24. EBOOK - La convention de La Haye, la collaboration administrative en Belgique et la persécution des Juifs à A nvers, 1940-1942 [PDF]
Autor: Herman Van Goethem
25. EBOOK - Une cité si ardente L'Administration communale de Liège et la persécution des juifs, 1940-1942 [PDF]
Autor: Thierry Rozenblum
26. EBOOK - Site e ebooks sobre o campo de extermínio de Jasenovac e a milícia fascista Ustasha
Link: http://www.jasenovac-info.com/knjige/?lang=en
Austor: Kenneth S. Stern; Páginas: 205
28. EBOOK - Is Europe on the "Right" Path? (Right-wing extremism and right-wing populism in Europe) [PDF]
Editoras: Nora Langenbacher, Britta Schellenberg
29. EBOOK - III-Reich: El Experimento Nacional-Socialista Alemán [PDF]
Autor: José María del Olmo Gutiérrez; Ed: Yad Vashem
30. EBOOK - La Shoá, los genocidios y crímenes de lesa humanidad: enseñanzas para los juristas [PDF]
Coordenado por: Roxana Perel. - 1a ed. - Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Nación. Secretaría de Derechos Humanos, 2011.
31. EBOOK - The Ideal Nordic-Dinaric Racial Type: Racial Antropology In The Independent State Of Croatia (Ustasha) [PDF]
Autor: Nevenko Bartulin
32. EBOOK - The Ideology of Nation and Race: The Croatian Ustasha and its policies toward minorities in the Independent State of Croatia, 1941-1945. [PDF]
Autor: Nevenko Bartulin
33. EBOOK - Hitler's role in the "Final Solution" [PDF]
Autor: Ian Kershaw
34. EBOOK - The Origins of “Operation Reinhard”: The Decision-Making Process for the Mass Murder of the Jews in the Generalgouvernement [PDF]
Autor: Bogdan Musial
35. EBOOK - “The Jewish Enemy”. Rethinking Anti-Semitism in the Era of Nazism and in
Recent Times [PDF]
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Autor: Jeffrey Herf
36. EBOOK - The rise of Fascism: Assessing the constitution of the Weimar Republic [PDF]
Autor: Jeremy Coldrey
37. EBOOK - Against Fascism - Jews who served in The International Brigade in the Spanish Civil War [PDF]
Autor: Martin Sugarman
38 - EBOOK - Tell ye your children… (A book about the Holocaust in Europe 1933–1945) [PDF]
Autores: Stéphane Bruchfeld; Paul A. Levine
39 - EBOOK - Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies. Universidade de Minnesota (EUA)
40 - EBOOK - The Black Question (Holocaust) [PDF]
Autor: Nicole L. Butler; SIT Study Abroad
41 - EBOOK - Grayewo Memorial Book (Grajewo, Poland) [HTML]
Tradução (pro inglês): Grayeve yisker-bukh
Editado por: Dr. Gorge Gorin, Nova York 1950
42 - EBOOK - Report of Richard J. Green, Phd. Relatório usado no processo David Irving x Penguin Books/Deborah Lipstadt sobre as distorções do químico negacionista Germar Rudolf [PDF]
Autor: Richard J. Green
43 - EBOOK - The Raul Hilberg Lecture. On Reading a Document: SS-Man Katzmann’s “Solution of the Jewish Question in the District of Galicia” [PDF]
Autor: Claudia Koonz, Raul Hilberg
44 - EBOOK - Holocaust in Belorussia, 1941-1944 [HTML]
Título original: Katastrofia Evreev v Belorusii 1941-1944; Tel Aviv, 2000
Autor: Leonid Smilovitsky
45 - EBOOK - Analyses critiques et réfutations systématiques d’un opuscule négationniste. L’Holocauste au scanner de Jürgen Graf [PDF]
Editor: Jean-Benoît Clerc; vários autrores
46 - EBOOK - A European Anabasis - Western European Volunteers in the German Army and SS, 1940-1945 [HTML] [PDF]
Autor: Keneth W. Estes
47 - EBOOK - Enseigner L'Histoire de la Shoah (vários artigos em francês) [website]
Fonte: Mémorial de la Shoah, França
48 - EBOOK - Enseigner l'Holocauste au 21e siècle (Editions du Conseil de l'Europe) [PDF]
Autor: Jean-Michel Lecomte
49 - EBOOK - La persécution des Juifs en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale (Une analyse comparative) [PDF]
Autores: Pim Griffioen/ Ron Zeller
50 - EBOOK - La Transmission Scolaire en Suisse de la Destruction des juifs D'Europe entre Histoire, Mémoire et « Leçons du passé » [PDF]
Autores: Charles Heimberg*, Monique Eckmann**
51 - EBOOK - Operation Barbarossa as a War of Conquest and Annihilation; Yad Vashem [PDF]
Autor: Jürgen Förster
52 - EBOOK - The Holocaust in Lithuania, and Its Obfuscation, in Lithuanian Sources [HTML]
Autor: Yitzhak Arad
53 - EBOOK - Deportats de la Comarca del Montsià als Camps Nazis (em Catalão) [HTML]
Autor: Francesc Itarte Vericat
54 - EBOOK - Xoà, literatura i cinema (em Catalão) [PDF]
Autora: Vanessa Grau Sánchez
55 - EBOOK - Education on the Holocaust and on Anti-Semitism [PDF]
56 - EBOOK - Bruno Bettelheim and the Concentration Camps [PDF]
Autores: Christian Fleck; Albert Müller
57 - EBOOK - Jehovah’s Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault [PDF]
58 - EBOOK - Victims and criminals: Schutzmannschaft battalion 118 (Belarus, Ukraine) [PDF]
Autora: Natalia Petrouchkevitch
59 - EBOOK - Belzec - Stepping Stone to Genocide [HTML]
Autor: Robin O'Neil
60 - EBOOK - Ballast existences: The disabled , jews and Nazi Genocide [PDF]
Autor: Jill Mitchell Nielsen
61 - EBOOK - The Wehrmacht and the National-Socialist persecution of the Gypsies [PDF]
Autor: Michael Zimmermann
62 - EBOOK - POLITICALLY DIVIDED: a comparative analysis of German right-wing extremist voter support [PDF]
Autora: Carolyn Marie Morgan
63 - EBOOK - Does Parental Unemployment Cause Right-Wing Extremism? [PDF]
Autor: Thomas Siedler
64 - EBOOKS - Short Essays - The Holocaust History Project (vários ensaios) [HTML]
Autores: Vários
65 - EBOOKS - Holocaust Denial (Demographics, Testimonies and Ideologies) [HTML]
Autor: John C. Zimmerman
66 - EBOOKS - David Irving, Hitler and Holocaust Denial (Electronic Edition) [HTML]
Autor: Richard J. Evans
67 - EBOOKS - THE HOLOCAUST IN UKRAINE (New Sources and Perspectives) [PDF]
Autor: Conference Presentations - USHMM
68 - EBOOKS - Between Hitler, Beneš, and Tito. Czechoslovak-German and Yugoslav-German Confrontations in World War II [PDF]
Autor: Arnold Suppan (University of Vienna)
70 - EBOOKS - (Vários textos) Négationnisme et réfutations [HTML]
Site: Pratique de l’Histoire et Dévoiements Négationnistes (PHDN)
71 - EBOOKS - Les chambres à gaz, secret d'État [HTML]
Autores: Eugen Kogon, Hermmann Langbein, Adalbert Rückerl
72 - EBOOKS - The Theory and Practice of Hell [HTML/JPEG]
[Link2, PDF]
Autor: Eugen Kogon
73 - EBOOKS - The Death Marches of Hungarian Jews Through Austria in the Spring of 1945 (The Deportations of Hungarian Jews to Austria) [PDF]
Autora: Eleonore Lappin
74 - EBOOKS - Understanding Racism Today: A Dossier [PDF]
Autor: WCC Harare Assembly, 1998
75 - EBOOKS - Hitler's Shadow - Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War [PDF]
Autores: Richard Breitman; Norman J.W. Goda
76 - EBOOKS - The Rise of Italian Fascism (1919-1922): Changing Social Relations in Revolutionary Periods [PDF]
Autor: Roberto Franzosi
77 - EBOOKS - The Holocaust in Romania: Uncovering a Dark Chapter [PDF]
Autora: Iulia Padeanu
78 - EBOOKS - The Wannsee Conference, the Fate of German Jews, and Hitler's Decision in Principle to Exterminate All European Jews [PDF]
Autor: Christian Gerlach
79 - EBOOKS - From Weimar to Nuremberg: A Case Study of Twenty-Two Einsatzgruppen Officers [PDF] Link2
Autor: James L. Taylor
80 - EBOOKS - Right Woos Left [HTML]
Subtítulo: Populist Party, LaRouchite, and Other Neo-fascist Overtures To Progressives, And Why They Must Be Rejected
Autor: Chip Berlet
81 - EBOOKS - How Ethics Failed – The Role of Psychiatrists and Physicians in Nazi Programs from Exclusion to Extermination, 1933-1945 [PDF]
Autores: Jutta Lindert, Yael Stein, Hans Guggenheim, Jouni J. K. Jaakkola, Rael D. Strous
82 - EBOOKS - Our Brazil Will Awake! The Acção Integralista and the failed quest for a Fascist Order in the 1930s [PDF]
Autor: Marcus Klein
83 - EBOOKS - Hans Krueger and the Murder of the Jews in the Stanislawow Region (Galicia) [PDF]
Autor: Dieter Pohl
Tradução (português): [Parte 01], [Parte 02], [Parte 03]
84 - EBOOKS - The Rise of Pseudo Fascism [PDF]
Autor: David Neiwert
85 - EBOOKS - The Roma: a Minority in Europe (Historical, Political and Social Perspectives) [HTML]
Editores: Roni Stauber; Raphael Vago
86 - EBOOKS - The Roma in Romanian History [HTML]
Autor: Viorel Achim
87 - EBOOKS - Le monde vu de la plus extrême droite (Du fascisme au nationalisme-révolutionnaire) [HTML]
Autor: Nicolas Lebourg
88 - EBOOKS - Denial and Repression of Antisemitism (Post-Communist Remembrance of the Serbian Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović) [HTML]
Autor: Jovan Byford
89 - EBOOKS - Le darwinisme social en France (1859-1918). Fascination et rejet d’une idéologie [HTML]
Autor: Jean-Marc Bernardini
90 - EBOOKS - Building the New Man (Eugenics, Racial Science and Genetics in Twentieth-Century Italy) [HTML]
Autor: Francesco Cassata
91 - EBOOKS - Brownshirt Princess. A Study of the “Nazy Concience” [HTML]
Autor: Lionel Gossman
92 - EBOOKS - Past in the Making (Historical revisionism in Central Europe after 1989) [HTML]
Autor: Michal Kopecek
93 - EBOOKS - Régénérer la race. Politique éducative en Bolivie (1898-1920) [HTML]
Autor: Françoise Martinez
94 - EBOOKS - El vivo Sustento del Inquisidor (La prensa Fascista en la Argentina) [PDF]
Autor: Azucena Racosta
95 - EBOOKS - German or Nazi Antisemitism? [PDF]
Autor: Oded Heilbronner
96 - EBOOKS - Neo-Nazism and discrimination against foreigners: A direct test of taste discrimination [PDF]
Autor: Nils Braakmann
97 - EBOOKS - Resistance during the Holocaust [PDF]
Autor: USHMM
98 - EBOOKS - A la extrema derecha del conservadurismo mexicano: El caso de Salvador Abascal y Salvador Borrego [PDF]
Autor: David Benjamin Castillo Murillo
99 - EBOOKS - ¿Qué era? ¿Qué es? El fascismo. Entre el legado de Franco y la modernidad de Le Pen (1975-1997) [PDF]
Autor: Xavier Casals
100 - EBOOKS - The Mauthausen Concentration Camp Complex:WorldWar II and Postwar Records [PDF]
REFERENCE INFORMATION PAPER 115; 380 pages/380 páginas
National Archives and Records Administration,Washington, DC 2008.
Compilado por: Amy Schmidt and Gudrun Loehrer
101 - EBOOKS - Fascismi locali [PDF]
Autor: Renato Camurri
102 - EBOOKS - Fascistizing Turin: Compromising with Tradition and Clashing with Opposition [PDF]
Autor: Giovanni Graglia
103 - EBOOKS - Los Alemanes y el Nacionalsocialismo: el Proyecto de una Sociedad Ideal 1933-1939 [PDF]
Autor: Dagny Romero Brassart
104 - EBOOKS - Nazismo y resistencia en Austria [1938-1942] - Primera Parte [PDF]
Autor: Miguel de Toro Muñoz
105 - EBOOKS - Nazismo y resistencia en Austria [1938-1942] - Segunda Parte [PDF]
Autor: Miguel de Toro Muñoz
106 - EBOOKS - El Ascenso Nazi al poder y la naturaleza de su Régimen [PDF]
Autor: Daniel Fraenkel; Publicação: Yad Vashem
107 - EBOOKS - Right-Wing Extremism in Romania [PDF]
Autor: Gabriel Andreescu
108 - EBOOKS - Christianity and the Nazi Movement: A Response [PDF]
Autor: Richard Steigmann-Gall
109 - EBOOKS - The Mauthausen Concentration Camp. Complex: World War II and Postwar Records [PDF]
Autores: Amy Schmidt; Gudrun Loehrer
110 - EBOOKS - La Memoria de los Republicanos españoles en Mauthausen: Ausencia, Presencia y Reconocimiento [PDF]
Autor: Francisco M. Velázquez López
111 - EBOOKS - Victims and criminals: Schutzmannschaft battalion 118 (Belarus, Ukraine) [PDF]
Autora: Natalia Petrouchkevitch
112 - EBOOKS - Nouveaux monstres et vieux démons: déconstruire l’extrême droite [PDF]
Editores: Lilian Mathieu; Sylvain Pattieu
113 - EBOOKS - La extrema derecha como fenómeno transnacional: La elección racional y las necesidades insatisfechas [PDF]
Autor: Bruno Larralde Velten
114 - EBOOKS - The Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile and the Jews during World War 2 (1938-1948) [PDF]
Autor: Jan Láníček
115 - EBOOKS - The Escalation of German-Rumanian Anti-Jewish Policy after the Attack on the Soviet Union, June 22, 1941 [PDF]
Autor: Andrej Angrick
116 - EBOOKS - The Bulgarian Jews and the final solution, 1940-1944 [HTML]
Autor: Frederick B. Chary
117 - EBOOKS - The Beneficiaries of "Aryanization": Hamburg as a Case Study [PDF]
Autor: Frank Bajohr
118 - EBOOKS - Relations between Jewish and non-Jewish Germans 1933-1945: A case study in the use of evidence by historians [PDF]
Autora: Ruth L. Baker
119 - EBOOKS - Romanian-German relations before and during the Holocaust [PDF]
Autor: Yad Vashem
120 - EBOOKS - Creating Killers: The Nazification of the Black Sea. Germans and the Holocaust in the Southern Ukraine, 1941-1944 [PDF]
Autor: Eric Conrad Steinhart
121 - EBOOKS - History of the Jews of Thessaloniki and the Holocaust [PDF]
Autores: Vários/West Chester University of Pennsylvania
122 - EBOOKS - Der SS Staat Das System Der Deutschen Konzentrationslager [PDF]
Autor: Eugen Kogon
123 - EBOOKS - Right to Remember. A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide [PDF]
Autora: Ellie Keen; Editado por: Rui Gomes
124 - EBOOKS - The Roma in Romanian History [PDF]
Editado/lançado por: Central European University Press
125 - EBOOKS - Biopolitics and Eugenics. The Roma in Romania during the Interwar Period [PDF]
Autora: Liliana Ceacîru