Livro: Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka (Negação do Holocausto e Operação Reinhard). Uma crítica às falsificações de Mattogno, Graf e Kues.
Um documento de Holocaust Controversies, 1ª edição, dezembro de 2011:
© 2011 Jonathan Harrison, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Jason Myers, Sergey Romanov, Nicholas Terry
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Dedicado a Harry Mazal (1937-2011)
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Chapter 1: The Hoax That Dare Not Speak Its Name
Chapter 2: Nazi Policy
- Extermination of Soviet Jews, June 1941 - March 1942
- Evolution of Europe-Wide Final Solution, September - December 1941
- Local Exterminations: Chelmno, Serbia and Reich Jews in RK Ostland
- The Europe-Wide Final Solution, January 1942 - March 1943
- Killing of Soviet Jews, August-December 1942
- Conclusion
Chapter 4: So Where Did They Go? “Resettlement” to the East
- The Excruciatingly Slow Evolution of the Revisionist “Resettlement” Thesis
- “Resettlement” for MGK
- Realities in the Occupied Soviet Territories
- The Ostland
- Ukraine
- The Alleged Fate of the ‘Resettled’ Jews
- A “Humane” Solution: Poison Gas and the Development of the Gas Chambers
- The Original & Second Gas Chambers at Belzec and Sobibor
- The Treblinka Camp
- Property Plunder
- The Gassing Engine: Diesel or Gasoline?
- Corpse Color
- Archaeology of the Gas Chambers
- Gas Chamber Ventilation
- MGK’s Methodology (or lack thereof)
- Treatment of Witness Testimony
- Direct and Indirect Witnesses
- Dishonest Treatment of SS Witnesses
- Hypocritical Use of Witness Evidence
- Witness Convergences
- Number, Dimensions and Contents of the Mass Graves
- Mattogno et al’s Claims: Nature and Purpose of Archaeological Investigations
- Human Remains Found
- Capacity of the Graves
- Soil Removed from the Graves
- Groundwater Pollution
- The "Actual" Surface of the Graves
- Density of Corpses in the Graves
- Cremation Devices, Methods and Times
- Fuel Requirements
- Duration of Cremations
- Cremation Remains
- Why Cremation?
Afterword: A Special Note by Jason Myers
Fonte: Holocaust Controversies
Tradução: Roberto Lucena
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