Portanto, eu reproduzirei essa coleção abaixo até o limite permitido dos meus registros. As legendas das fotos são as que copiei do GFH Archives quando montei esta coleção. Onde eu acho que há imprecisões nas legendas, isto é assinalado.
As imagens podem ser ampliadas clicando sobre elas. Não é necessário dizer que muitas destas fotos são chocantes, por isso se faz necessário advertir pessoas sensíveis sobre o que irão ver.
Fonte: Holocaust Controversies
Texto e fotos: Roberto Muehlenkamp
Mass Graves and Dead Bodies
Tradução: Roberto Lucena
Ver: [Parte 2], [Parte 3]
Clique abaixo (canto esquerdo) em LER TODO O TEXTO para ver as fotos e o post inteiro.
Observação: o Roberto Muehlenkamp colocou esta série de fotos em um post único com mais de 300 fotos, eu dividirei o post em 3 pra que haja uma melhor visualização das fotos (muita gente prefere ver seção a seção do que todas de uma vez só). Também não cheguei a uma conclusão sobre se as fotos devem ficar expostas, como no post original do Holocaust Controversies, ou no formato de links pra clicar, por isso (na dúvida) mantenho o formato original do Holocaust Controversies. Irei traduzindo as legendas das fotos aos poucos.
1. Palavra-chave "Valas comuns"
1.1 Um corpo exumado de uma vala comum sendo levado para ser enterrado em local apropriado.

1.2 Um corpo exumado de uma vala comum sendo levado para ser enterrado em local apropriado.

1.3 Um corpo exumado de uma vala comum sendo levado para ser enterrado em local apropriado.

1.4 Um corpo em uma vala comum no local do extermínio em massa em Ponary próximo a Vilnius (Vilna).

1.5 Cadáveres exumados de uma vala comum no local de extermínio em massa de Ponary próximo a Vilnius (Vilna).

1.6 Cadáveres exumados de uma vala comum no local de extermínio em massa de Ponary próximo a Vilnius (Vilna).

1.7 Escavação das valas comuns no local de extermínio em massa de Ponary próximo a Vilnius (Vilna) em julho de 1944.

1.8 Um soldado alemão atirando num judeu de Vinnitsa, Ucrânia, na borda de uma vala comum.

1.9 Soldados alemães atirando em judeus que conseguiram sobreviver numa vala comum em Vinnitsa, URSS.

1.10 Soldades alemães em pé em meios a cadáveres extendidos numa vala comum em Vinnitsa, Ucrânia.

As legendas das fotos do GFH de 1.9 e 1.10 estão incorretas na medida que o lugar onde estas fotografias foram tiradas não era Vinnitsa. Ver o post Photographic Evidence of Mass Shootings: 1. Sdolbunov de Jonathan Harrison, a quem agradeço por chamar minha atenção.
1.11 Dois homens uniformizados ao lado de uma grande vala comum contendo os corpos dos judeus assassinados em Vinnitsa, Ucrânia.

1.12 Um judeu enterrando corpos em uma vala comum no cemitério judaico em Varsóvia.

1.13 A Jewish gravedigger laying bodies in a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.14 A mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.15 A mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.16 Bodies being lowered into a large mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.17 Bodies brought on carts, being lowered into a mass grave in the Warsaw Jewish cemetery.

1.18 Bodies in a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.19 Bodies in a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.20 Bodies in a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.21 Bodies in a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.22 Bodies in a mass grave in the Warsaw ghetto's Jewish cemetery.

1.23 Bodies lying in a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.24 Bodies lying in a mass grave in the Warsaw ghetto.

1.25 Gravediggers covering a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.26 Gravediggers laying bodies in a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.27 Gravediggers laying bodies in a mass grave in the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw.

1.28 A mass grave beside the Majdanek camp.

1.29 A mass grave containing the bodies of 230 victims, uncovered in the Majdanek camp.

1.30 An uncovered mass grave containing the remains of people killed in the Majdanek camp.

1.31 Bodies in a mass grave uncovered in the Majdanek camp.

1.32 The bones of Majdanek camp victims, uncovered in a mass grave.

1.33 The remains of bodies in a mass grave in the Majdanek camp.

1.34 The remains of bodies in a mass grave in the Majdanek camp.

1.35 The remains of victims of the Majdanek camp in a mass grave that was opened.

1.36 A mass grave containing the bodies of Janowska camp inmates.

1.37 A mass grave discovered in Iwje, Poland.

1.38 A mass grave discovered in Iwje, Poland.

1.39 Jews who returned to the town of Iwje, beside a mass grave discovered there.

1.40 People viewing the corpses of Jews in a mass grave that was discovered in Iwje.

1.41 A mass grave in Drobitski Yar near Kharkov.

1.42 A mass grave in Drobitski Yar near Kharkov.

Regarding the last two pictures above, see the blog Drobitski Yar
1.43 A mass grave in Kragujevac, Serbia, containing bodies of Jewish men.

1.44 A mass grave in the Birkenau camp that was uncovered following the camp's liberation.

1.45 A mass grave of Lenin Jewry (in the Polesye region, on the Russo - Polish border).

1.46 A Soviet investigating committee beside a mass grave of the Jews of Kozin, which they excavated.

1.47 A Soviet investigating committee excavating a mass grave of the Jews of Kozin.

1.48 A Soviet investigating committee that excavated the three mass graves of Kozin Jewry, standing beside the corpse of the last Jew to be buried.

1.49 Bodies exhumed from a mass grave at an execution site, being given proper burial in a mass grave.

1.50 Bodies exhumed from a mass grave, to be taken for proper burial.

1.51 Bodies exhumed from mass graves, being loaded onto a truck and taken for proper burial.

1.52 Bodies exhumed from mass graves, being loaded onto a truck and taken for proper burial.

1.53 Bodies in a mass grave.

1.54 Bodies in a mass grave.

1.55 Bodies laid out in a row, after exhumation from a mass grave.

1.56 Bodies laid out in a row, possibly after exhumation from a mass grave.

1.57 Bodies laid out in a row, possibly after exhumation from a mass grave.

1.58 Bodies taken from a mass grave in Taganrov, Russia.

1.59 Bodies taken out of a mass grave in Banjica, Yugoslavia.

1.60 Bodies that had been exhumed from mass graves, apparently at an execution site.

1.61 Bodies that had been exhumed from mass graves, apparently at an execution site.

1.62 Bodies that were exposed in a mass grave.

1.63 Bones and skulls that were exposed in a mass grave.

1.64 Civilians standing beside a mass grave of Jews in Zhmerinka, Ukraine.

1.65 The exhumation of Jews' bodies from a mass grave in Zhmerinka, Ukraine.

1.66 Corpses exhumed from a mass grave and laid out in rows.

1.67 Corpses exhumed from mass graves and laid out in rows.

1.68 Bodies of Soviet POW's killed by the Germans.

1.69 Corpses lying atop a mass grave in Siauliai, Lithuania.

1.70 Digging mass graves before the killing of Lancut Jewry.

1.71 Gravediggers lowering bodies into a mass grave in Lancut.

1.72 Gravediggers lowering the body of a Jew into a mass grave in Lancut.

1.73 Jewish activists uncovering the remains of bodies in a mass grave in the area of the Bialystok ghetto.

1.74 Members of a kibbutz (communal group) of the Dror youth movement in Bialystok, standing beside a mass grave they had been seeking.

1.75 Members of a kibbutz (communal group) of the Dror youth movement in Bialystok, standing beside a mass grave they had been seeking.

1.76 The excavation of a mass grave containing the remains of 72 fighters from the Bialystok ghetto uprising.

1.77 The exhumation of a mass grave in the city of Bialystok.

1.78 The exhumation of a mass grave in the city of Bialystok.

1.79 Jewish gravediggers in a mass grave in the Belzec cemetery.

1.80 Lowering the bodies of Jews into a mass grave, apparently in Poland.

1.81 Lowering the bodies of Jews into a mass grave, apparently in Poland.

Note, 28.10.2011:: Photo 1.81 is the same as photo 1.49. See my RODOH post 13089.
1.82 Public health workers exhuming corpses from a mass grave.

1.83 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.84 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.85 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.86 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.87 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.88 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.89 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.90 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.91 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.92 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.93 The bodies of Jews exhumed from a mass grave, to be given proper burial.

1.94 The bodies of Jews from the Zolochev (Zloczow) ghetto, in a mass grave.

1.95 The bodies of Jews from the Zolochev (Zloczow) ghetto, exhumed from a mass grave after the liberation.

1.96 The bodies of Jews from the Zolochev (Zloczow) ghetto, exhumed from a mass grave after the liberation.

1.97 The bodies of Jews in an unidentified ghetto, exhumed from a mass grave.

1.98 The bodies of Jews in an unidentified ghetto, exhumed from a mass grave.

1.99 The bodies of victims in a mass grave.

1.100 The bodies of victims of the Nazis in Zbaraz, exhumed from mass graves after the liberation.

1.101 The remains of victims of the Nazis in Zbaraz, uncovered when mass graves were excavated after the liberation.

1.102 The bodies of women killed by the German army, in a mass grave in Kerch.

1.103 The body of a Jew exhumed from a mass grave in order to be given a proper burial.

1.104 The body of a Jew exhumed from a mass grave in order to be given a proper burial.

1.105 The body of a Jew exhumed from a mass grave in order to be given a proper burial.

1.106 The body of a Jew exhumed from a mass grave in order to be given a proper burial.

1.107 The body of a Jew exhumed from a mass grave in order to be given a proper burial.

1.108 The bones of Jews exhumed from a mass grave at Utena (Utian), Lithuania.

1.109 Women and men beside the bones of Jewish victims exhumed from a mass grave at Utena (Utian), Lithuania.

1.110 The bones of Jews, exhumed from a mass grave in the town of Meina.

1.111 The coffins of thirty - five Jews in a mass grave in Nowe Miasto.

1.112 The execution of civilians at the edge of a mass grave in the USSR.

1.113 The exhumation of the remains of Jews from a mass grave in Mlawa, for proper burial in coffins.

1.114 The exhumation of the remains of Jews from a mass grave in Mlawa, for proper burial in coffins.

1.115 The exhumation of the remains of Jews from a mass grave in Mlawa, for proper burial in coffins.

1.116 The exhumation of the remains of Jews from a mass grave in Mlawa, for proper burial in coffins.

1.117 The reburial of Jewish bodies that had been exhumed from mass graves in Czestochowa.

1.118 The reburial of the remains of Czestochowa Jews whose bodies had been disinterred from mass graves.

1.119 The remains of a body that had been exhumed from a mass grave.

Um comentário:
Ainda tem uma meia dúzia de desmiolados, que para praticar uma boçalidade ideológica e racialista alegam que não existem provas. Aqui eles se afogam. Esses arquivos existem para que não se duvide e não se esqueça.
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