segunda-feira, 22 de julho de 2013

Holocausto (fotos) - Valas comuns e corpos (cadáveres) - Parte 3

Esta é a segunda continuação do post com fotos das valas comuns e cadáveres no Holocausto, texto original e fotos do blog Holocausto Controversies. Abaixo vou reproduzir o texto do post que no original coloca todas as fotos de uma só vez. Decidi repartir as fotos em três partes (cada uma com 100 fotos mais ou menos) pois considerei que 300 fotos em um único post poderia saturar de informação quem fosse ver, como também pelo problema do conteúdo chocante das fotos. Segue abaixo a reprodução do texto do post do Holocaust Controversies, a terceira parte das fotos.

Os arquivos online do site Ghetto Fighters’ House (Casa dos Combatentes do Gueto) foram reconfigurados, quebrando os links de minha antiga coleção de fotos no fórum RODOH.

Portanto, eu reproduzirei essa coleção abaixo até o limite permitido dos meus registros. As legendas das fotos são as que copiei do GFH Archives quando montei esta coleção. Onde eu acho que há imprecisões nas legendas, isto é assinalado.

As imagens podem ser ampliadas clicando sobre elas. Não é necessário dizer que muitas destas fotos são chocantes, por isso se faz necessário advertir pessoas sensíveis sobre o que irão ver.

Fonte: Holocaust Controversies
Texto e fotos: Roberto Muehlenkamp
Mass Graves and Dead Bodies
Tradução: Roberto Lucena

Ver: [Parte 1], [Parte 2]

Clique abaixo (canto esquerdo) em LER TODO O TEXTO para ver as fotos e o post inteiro.

Observação: o Roberto Muehlenkamp colocou esta série de fotos em um post único com mais de 300 fotos, eu dividirei o post em 3 pra que haja uma melhor visualização das fotos (muita gente prefere ver seção a seção do que todas de uma vez só). Também não cheguei a uma conclusão sobre se as fotos devem ficar expostas, como no post original do Holocaust Controversies, ou no formato de links pra clicar, por isso (na dúvida) mantenho o formato original do Holocaust Controversies. Irei traduzindo as legendas das fotos aos poucos.

2. Palavra-chave: "Cadáveres" (continuação)

2.101 A Soviet investigative commission inspecting the Klooga camp, gathered beside a pyre on which the corpses of inmates had been prepared for burning.

2.102 A woman's corpse in the Klooga camp.

2.103 German POWs assigned to a work detail, bringing corpses of Klooga camp inmates for burial.

2.104 A row of bodies of Jews killed in a pogrom in Sisak, Croatia.

2.105 A row of gallows on which Soviet hostages were hanged by the German army.

2.106 A Russian woman beside the body of her husband who was killed by the SS in Gerasimov, a village in the Rostov area.

2.107 A soldier of the Soviet Red Army in a Nazi camp following its liberation, standing beside a wagon loaded with corpses.

2.108 A wagon loaded with bodies, beside the crematorium in the Terezin (Theresienstadt) ghetto.

2.109 Exhumation of the remains of victims of the Terezin (Theresienstadt) ghetto.

2.110 Exhumation of the remains of victims of the Terezin (Theresienstadt) ghetto.

2.111 Exhumation of the remains of victims of the Terezin (Theresienstadt) ghetto.

2.112 Exhumation of the remains of victims of the Terezin (Theresienstadt) ghetto.

2.113 Exhumation of the remains of victims of the Terezin (Theresienstadt) ghetto.

2.114 A wagon loaded with bodies.

2.115 A wagon loaded with the bodies of murdered Jews, with an armed German soldier standing beside it.

2.116 A young woman and two boys standing opposite a gallows upon which two men have been hanged.

2.117 An exhumed body about to be being taken for proper burial.

2.118 An exhumed body about to be being taken for proper burial.

2.119 An SS officer looking at a wagon piled with bodies.

2.120 Armed German soldiers standing beside the bodies of Opoczno Jews they had killed.

2.121 Bodies and partial remains that had been exhumed from a grave at an execution site.

2.122 Bodies and partial remains that had been exhumed from a grave at an execution site.

2.123 Bodies at a mass extermination site.

2.124 Bodies at a mass murder site in Poland.

2.125 Bodies at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna).

2.126 Bodies at the Ponary mass extermination site near Vilnius (Vilna).

2.127 Bodies exhumed at a mass murder site.

2.128 Bodies in a train that arrived at the Bohusovice railway station.

2.129 Bodies of Jews in the Budapest ghetto.

2.130 Bodies that had been exhumed, being taken for proper burial.

2.131 Bodies that were exhumed, apparently at an execution site.

2.132 Children killed in Yugoslavia.

2.133 Corpses in a settlement that was demolished.

2.134 Corpses on the ground at a mass execution site.

2.135 Eight Jews hanged on a gallows in the Zdunska Wola ghetto.

1.136 Fifteen Polish civilians hanged on a gallows in Radom.

1.137 Five men who were hanged on electricity poles on a street in a town in the East.

2.138 Four men who were hanged on improvised gallow, in the East.

2.139 Four Polish civilians who were hanged in Michalkowice.

2.140 German officers standing beside the bodies of civilians.

2.141 German soldiers after shooting civilians.

2.142 German soldiers beside the bodies of men hanged in Yugoslavia.

2.143 German soldiers beside the bodies of Yugoslav civilians killed in Pancevo.

2.144 German soldiers hanging a partisan in Vitebsk.

2.145 German soldiers hanging a partisan in Vitebsk.

2.146 German soldiers looking at the bodies of Jews hanged on a tree in the area of Lvov.

2.147 Inhabitants of the Lvov ghetto viewing the bodies of seven members of the Judenrat who were hanged.

2.148 German soldiers standing beside the bodies of Jews at the Jajinci extermination site near Beograd (Belgrade).

2.149 German soldiers standing beside the body of a Jew whom they beat to death.

2.150 Jewish gravediggers digging a grave for Jews who were executed in Bochnia.

2.151 Jews burying the bodies of Jews from Iasi (Jassy) who died during a deportation by train.

2.152 Jews loading bodies onto a wagon, apparently in the Treblinka camp.

2.153 Jews of the Zolochev (Zloczow) ghetto being brought to the mass killing site beside the village of Jelichowice.

2.154 Jews standing on the verge of a pit at the extermination site in Liepaja, Latvia.

2.155 Jews who were shot during an aktion (mass roundups for deportation) in the Wegrow ghetto in May 1943.

3. Ossos e Cinzas

3.1 Bones that were exposed at a mass extermination site.

3.2 A skull exposed at a mass extermination site.

3.3 Human bones exposed in Babi Yar in Kiev, Ukraine, after a flood in 1961.

3.4 Human bones exposed in Babi Yar, Kiev, Ukraine, after the flood in 1961.

3.5 The remains of Jewish victims in the Sajmiste (Zemun) extermination camp in Beograd (Belgrade).

3.6 The bones of victims of the Birkenau camp.

3.7 A Jew in Zychlin, holding a human skull and bones.

3.8 The crematorium in the Majdanek camp.

3.9 Soldiers and officers of the Soviet Red Army in the Majdanek camp following its liberation, standing beside the remains of corpses lying next to the camp's crematorium.

3.10 The area of the crematorium in the Majdanek camp.

3.11 The remains of corpses incinerated in the Majdanek camp's crematorium.

3.12 The remains of corpses incinerated in the Majdanek camp's crematorium.

3.13 The remains of corpses incinerated in the Majdanek camp's crematorium.

3.14 The crematorium in the Majdanek camp.

3.15 The bones of victims killed in the Majdanek camp.

3.16 Bones of victims of the Majdanek camp, in a cabbage patch.

3.17 The bodies and partial remains of victims of the Majdanek camp.

3.18 A heap of bones and ashes of victims of the Majdanek camp.

3.19 Civilians and soldiers standing beside a pile of human bones in the Majdanek camp.

3.20 A pile of bones and skulls of people killed in the Majdanek camp.

3.21 A pile of bones and skulls of people killed in the Majdanek camp.

3.22 A pile of bones and skulls of people killed in the Majdanek camp.

3.23 Civilians in the Majdanek camp standing beside a pile of cremated bones in the area of the crematorium.

3.24 Civilians and soldiers standing beside a pile of human bones in the Majdanek camp.

3.25 Polish civilians visiting the Majdanek camp, standing beside a pile of the bones and skulls of people killed there.

3.26 Polish civilians standing beside a pile of bones of victims of the Majdanek camp.

3.27 The skulls of victims of the Majdanek camp.

3.28 Civilians and military personnel in the Majdanek camp following its liberation, standing beside a pile of bones and skulls.

3.29 A pile of bones of victims in the Majdanek camp.

3.30 Members of the USSR - Polish investigative commission in the Majdanek camp, standing beside a pile of bones and skulls of victims killed there.

3.31 Military correspondents standing beside the remains of victims murdered in the Majdanek camp.

3.32 Soviet Red Army officers standing beside a pile of human ashes in the Majdanek camp.

3.33 A pile of ashes of cremated victims in the Majdanek camp.

3.34 The skeleton of an inmate killed in the Pionki camp, disinterred following the camp's liberation.

3.35 The bones of Belzec camp victims, exposed after a rainfall in the area.

3.36 The skulls and bones of Belzec camp victims, brought to a bunker on the grounds of the camp.

3.37 Hair, bones and ashes found on the grounds of the Sobibor extermination camp.

3.38 Hair, bones and ashes in the area of the Sobibor extermination camp.

3.39 Skeletal remains at the site of the Treblinka extermination camp.

3.40 Human skeletal remains in the Treblinka camp.

3.41 A heap of ashes in the Treblinka camp.

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